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guifi.net people Endorses the Battle of the Mesh v6

    The Wireless Battle of the Mesh is an event that aims to bring together people from across the globe to test the performance of different routing protocols for ad-hoc networks, like Babel, B.A.T.M.A.N., BMX, OLSR, and 802.11s. Of course, new protocols (working on OpenWRT) are always welcome!

    This year the event will take place from Monday 15th till Sunday 21st of April at the University of Aalborg, Denmark.

    We explicitly endorse and support the Battle of the Mesh v6 because of the efforts made by its community to advance the field of wireless mesh networking and foster the development of grassroots community networks. We hope we will be able to share our experience in integrating optical fibre in community networks, customizing OpenWRT firmware (we develop the qMp.cat firmware), and in participating in international projects.

    We will support the WBMv6 by:

    • helping to promote the event
    • members of guifi. have already confirmed their attendance
    • give talks about advancement of our community in certain aspects
    • help setting up the firmware and testbed for protocol testing

    Many other communities endorse and support the Wireless Battle of The Mesh v6, an up to date list of the endorsers of the Battlemesh v6 can be found at the main Battlemesh website.